Some exciting news- the ever-anticipated collaboration from Stephanie Congdon Barnes and Maria Alexandra Vettese, 3191: A Year of Mornings, is now available for pre-order! I followed their beautiful blog back when they were taking their soft and gorgeous photographs of mornings (they now focus on evenings, which I also love), so I am quite excited to see it all put together in a book.
"A Year of Mornings" collects 236 images—always taken before noon without discussion between the two women – from this uniquely 21st-century artistic collaboration. The intimacy of these photographs—discarded clothing, a view of a snowy day from the window, a table cloth—combined with their striking similarities in color and composition defies the reality of their long-distance collaboration. While clearly kindred spirits, the two women have met in person only once. Their friendship is maintained solely online, sustained by a shared love for moments of serenity, solitude, and peacefulness. The annotated photographs in "A Year of Mornings" radiate an aura of sweetness and light—the promise of a new day."
Available for pre-order here.

yes...this looks pretty awesome! I'm so excited to flip through it.