"Birthday Girl" by Mario Tziortzis.
Guess what? Yesterday this site had itself a birthday- one year old! It almost slipped by without me realizing it. I have to say, thank you all so, so very much for all of the support, compliments, feedback, visiting, and overall fabulousness. I appreciate it more than I can possible say. You guys rock my world.
I have big plans for her second year. Please stick around!
happy blog birthday! it's a v. inspiring place ;-) congrats.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations! Happy happy blogiversary! I absolutely love your blog and can't wait to see what wonderful things develop here in the next year.
ReplyDeleteHappy blog birthday! I've been meaning to log in for a while and say that I've got this, bread&honey, and Portland Street Style all on RSS. Very fun reading! ^_^ Thanks for all the interesting posts.