Be prepared for a whole slew of Halloween posts for the month of October. It is my favorite holiday and I get quite excited over all the paper goods, treats, and decorations.
I am far from being a smoker, but if you are one, these portable ashtrays are completely adorable and handy. As it says in the description, let's keep those butts off the street. ($16 from shopmodi)
One of my favorite pattern designers, the talented Amy Butler, just recently teamed up with dishware giants Mikasa to create her own line of tableware. The results are gorgeous and and can be seen/purchased both on Amy's site and on Mikasa's.
It is no secret how much I adore cupcakes. This morning I awoke with an urge to visit a nearby cupcake shop, so we drove off to SusieCakes, an extremely cute bakery in Calabasas, California (I am currently vacationing in my previous home of Los Angeles). After thoroughly enjoying a beautiful frosting-filled red velvet cupcake, I was inspired to come back to our room and look through photographs of them by some of my favorite food photographers. I thought I would share some of my favorites for you to enjoy (now go eat a cupcake!)
Am I crazy to say that these just might be the most perfect clothing I have ever seen? I think that if I could pick out any wardrobe in the world, it would be these styles. I am in love.
Just a short one, about a week. I have things piling up around the house and a trip to get ready for, so I am going to take time for "real" life. I will still be updating Bread & Honey every couple of days. See you in a bit!
I just came across the artwork of Mary Emma Hawthorne and I find it to be completely beautiful. She creates gorgeous paintings and collages on objects like wooden panels and boxes with subjects like birds and beasts. Please take a moment to visit her wonderful portfolio- it's quite a beautiful thing.
I must say that I am completely and madly in love with these wood cut-outs by David Bromley. I really love everything he creates, but these top them all in my book.