- September Kitchen from Posie Gets Cozy.
- Things to Make from How About Orange.
- the crested blazer from this is glamorous.
- LaNui Bedding & Etc. from decor8.
- photographer spotlight: adie faye altman from unruly things.
- right this second..., also from unruly things.
- Traveling to Athens via Munich from La Tartine Gormande.
- Holiday Decorating from PoppyTalk.
- How to Overcome Resentment from Think Simple Now.
- L’école des femmes SS09 from Bored & Beautiful.
- Animal Cracker Cookies from 101 Cookbooks.
- Lolita & More from Lost.
- twice-baked shortbread + other lost recipes from Smitten Kitchen.
Had never been to Lost before, and thanks so much for reminding me to visit Poppytalk -- so much to catch up on.