1. FLAG GARLAND ($58), 2. Gift Tag Note Poche (To From) YELLOW ($28.23), 3. Banner V Neck ($99), 4. Beach Party Tote (£195), 5. Spring Bow Tie ($55), and 6. Takae Mizutani Salt & Pepper (£37.50)

7. Let There Be Flight Hanging Lamp ($97.99), 8. Pfeiffer Glasses ($58), 9. Cotton Martina Skirt (£110), 10. Two Mews Figurine Set ($32.99), 11. "Hey" Notecard Set ($18), 12. Leather iPhone/iTouch/HTC (Desire/Mozart) case - Victorian roses ($39), 13. On My Way ($20), and 14. Photo Mirror ($24)
Loving that t shirt with the bunting on it! How cute :)