- Print your own post-it notes.
- 3-ingredient, no-bake, vegan thin mint cookies. So simple!
- The cutest Valentine's Day outfit.
- A typical day of a teenage girl in the late-nineties.
- A beautiful free printable 2013 calendar.
- A fun new way to print Instagram photos.
- Loving this collar.
- An awesome idea: vegetable-dyed menus.
- One of the coolest weddings I've seen awhile. Classic.
- I always love LivingEtc.
- I wanna make some cookie spoons.
- These editorial photos are beautiful.
- Lessons learned in blogging.
- Vintage dreaminess: valentines from the New York Public Library.
- DIY hardware store jewelry.
- The best chocolate pudding (in 15 minutes.)
- I love a good braided hairstyle.
- I think it's finally time I made my own camera strap.
I look forward to this post every week. I love the gems you unearth.