Hey Everyone, my name is Katrina and I blog at Pugly Pixel where I share simple blog design-y ideas, and sometimes I post Photoshop and CSS tips and tricks too. Summer asked me to share a few pink images with you guys while she's in California. I thought these were cool and I hope you enjoy them. Thanks for having me over, Summer!
1. Female Condoms by Gabriella Cetrulo via Jealous Curator
2. Painting by Annaclara Di Biase via Jealous Curator
3. Ice Cream by Gabriella Cetrulo via Jealous Curator
4. Sugar Beach by Fieldguided
5. Flowers by Fieldguided
6. Pink Bush by Hansel from Basel via Calivintage
7. Pink Geo Print by Britt Bass via Leif Shop
8. Painting on Morgan Blake photo by Britt Bass
9. Pink Puddle via Present and Correct
10. Pink Objects by Stephen Prina via Present and Correct
The painting by Annaclara di Biase is wonderful. The pink hair! Kind of dreamy, kind of intense.